Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I'm married to a doctor!

Hubby was successful, of course... and we got to go out for both lunch and dinner afterwards, since the defense was at 8:30AM.

Now there are no excuses for my procrastinating. Ack.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Well, hubby has a little over 60 hours before defending. He's done practice presentations, and he's ready. I don't think that'll make the weekend any better, but I know that no matter how stressed he gets, he'll survive.

On my own thesis-front, I've got a rough idea of a defense date - it should be at the end of April. Whether or not I graduate in May will depend on a lot of things, but that's just the ceremony.

Wish us luck.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Dropped off the face of the earth, yet again.


Hub indeed finished his thesis in time. Before vacation. And it's good. He defends in 10 days.

I have been slugging along. My fourth project failed miserably, but I'm confident that I can spin a great story with the three successful ones.

Unfortunately, I had a couple of setbacks since the dental surgery/flu setback. I had Norwalk earlier this week, which was on the heels of something I'll call an illness, and discuss over at the more personal other blog. I've lost weeks of productivity, and will need one of those extensions myself.

Plus, we're moving in a month.

So, it's not great around here at the scienty household, but we're slugging through. I'm hoping that blogging, however briefly, will remove this writers block.